About me

Behind "Ranuken" is Swenja Weiler, a painter based in Baden-Baden, Germany.

"Initially an illustrator and graphic designer, I longed for an outlet that freed me of the pressure of conformity and expectations of society, social media, its algorithms and the never ending demands for more and better. From childhood on I had an interest in fine arts, literature, music and philosophy that captured me, and after going ways to avoid my creative veins, eventually needed to embrace them to thrive and started painting. Now my art explores themes of psychology and mental development in abstract painting and portraiture, emerges through spontaneous, intuitive painting styles and requires deep personal and emotional research to reconnect with my childhood desire. My paintings express a curiosity towards the strange and distant, often wrapped in a haze of memory or premonition of the mind and contain within the moods and inclinations of myself, as the artist, within the moment, or capture the essence of nostalgia, day-dreaming and letting associations of wandering thoughts run free in vibrant, expressive colors. Purple [and its complementary colors; Turquoise and Yellow] is of great importance to me because it is on the extreme of our visual spectrum. A color that for me represents the borders of reality, of that what we cannot, or barely, perceive. Something mystical.

I’m fascinated by the vastness of space and the depths of the sea and use its visual elements to show how our longing for something that is always beyond our reach and the thrill of the terror of the unknown is the driving force behind our desire to ultimately understand ourselves and be understood, a never-ending search for connection and love that we innately pursue. Our desire to solve the mysteries within. My creative escape ultimately lead me back to confront myself and the fear of being perceived, misunderstood and moving on from past mistakes, and made me realize that suppressing and avoiding emotions and calls from within will result in anger, frustration and unhappiness. The only way to battle this depression, anxiety, and pressure is by expressing myself;
Free. Bold. Weird."

Email: ranukenart@outlook.com
Mobile: +49 0176 60471187

Solo Exhibitions:


  • "Change - Verwandlung" | Galerie KunstRAum Rastatt, Germany

  • "Change" | Hotelrestaurant Wolpertinger, Baden-Baden, Germany

Group Exhibitions:


  • "Kunst Verbindet!" | Galerie KunstRAum, Rastatt, Germany



  • Put It On Lance, Voltron Zine | Fan-art & Merchandise